Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men
Remove love handles and improve the physique
Time out from work is generally about a week.
Outpatient Surgery?:
Cosmetic plastic surgery is not just for women, assuming that it ever was in the first place. The number of men having plastic surgery to rejuvenate their face or improve their shape is growing by leaps and bounds. Just from 2006 to 2007, the number of men having cosmetic procedures rose 17%. And why not? Men want cosmetic surgery for the same reasons that women do. They want to look as young as they feel.
The most common plastic surgery procedures for men are liposuction, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), rhinoplasty, and breast reduction to treat enlarged male breasts (gynecomastia).
For men, the most common sites for liposuction are around the waist—along the back, torso, and abdomen—to remove "love handles" that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction here can improve the silhouette and give a man a sleek physique. Another common site for liposuction is under the chin, to remove a double chin. Only a few ounces of fat may be removed here, but it can make a man look as if he has lost many pounds. Some men also store fat on the pubic mound, which is not only unattractive, but can hide the lower penis shaft, in effect, shortening it.
To rejuvenate the face and remove excess skin around the eyes
Time out from work is generally about a week.
Outpatient Surgery?:
Eyelid lift surgery, or blepharoplasty, is used to remove excess skin and fat around the eyes that can make a man look old before his time. The surgery can eliminate drooping eyelids and restore a more alert look. For older men who want to restore their vision to a more youthful vigor, a combination procedure for presbyopia treatment and cataract surgery is becoming very popular.
Men often show up in a plastic surgeon's office for surgery on their nose. Noses are often broken and may heal with a hump or bump that can easily be removed. Rhinoplasty can also straighten a crooked nose or reduce the size of an overly long or wide nose, which can bring the face into balance and improve a man's looks.
Gynecomastia, the growth of breast tissue, is a potentially embarrassing problem for some men. It can happen during puberty, and while the breast growth may go away on its own, sometimes it does not. Some men have fat on the upper chest that resembles breasts (pseudogynecomastia)--and this can be removed with diet, exercise, and perhaps liposuction--but in true gynecomastia there is actual breast tissue rather than fat and this usually needs to be removed surgically.
Correct gynecomastia (breast growth)
Time out from work is generally about a week.
Outpatient Surgery?:
The growth in the number of cosmetic procedures performed on men will only increase as more men realize how helpful they are and how they revitalize and refresh a man's appearance.
No surgery is without risks, which can include infection, excessive bleeding, or a bad reaction to anesthesia. The risks of liposuction and breast reduction for gynecomastia include bad bruising and ripples. The risks of eyelid surgery may include tight eyelids and a startled looking appearance. A face lift may result in a too-tight appearance or asymmetry.
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